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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

The honest truth is, I have had the corrective surgery, and I do have a tiny amount of capsular contracture in my left breast, which makes it a little firmer than the right one. In spite of feeling a little bit self-conscious about the firmness of that breast, it is infinitely better than the feeling of being 'damaged' that I had before my bilateral tuberous breasts were corrected. To those who have this condition and feel great about yourselves: I admire you for your self-acceptance, but please stop judging those of us who never reached that point. I accept my crooked teeth, my nearly legally-blind eyes, my frizzy hair, my bunions (although I did have the most painful one of those repaired), and all of my other oddities. Those oddities are things I have seen on other people I know. This one was different because I was the ONLY person growing up that I knew of who had it. THAT's what causes the feeling of being freakish. There are many factors in the world that got us all to where we are, and we're all dealing with the world in the manner we can. Good luck to all.

February 13, 2010 - 5:38am


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