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According to an article I read, 5-7% of women have this condition. I think that is totally bogus. After doing some research, and reading many blogs, such as this, I believe that A LOT more women have tuberous breasts than 5-7%! Where did they come up with that number? If all the women with tuberous breasts were made more known, maybe it wouldn't be describe as abnormal or deformed, just my opinion. I feel that sometimes cosmetic surgery makes breasts look too round, lifted and perfect (aka fake). Which then changes society's view on what they should look like.

I also have tuberous breasts. I diagnosed myself with this after looking at pics and reading many articles. It is good to finally find that I am not alone. For many years, I thought I was.

Like many young girls, the media did have a negative impact on me growing up. I had low self-esteem about my body image, especially with breasts. I have struggled with my appearrance in that area for many years. Although, I'm not as obsessed about it as I used to be, I do still find myself being a little self-conscious.

I was a "late bloomer" and I always thought my breasts would eventually take a more round, "normal" shape as I got older. They never did. I always thought I was different. It was hard to deal with it growing up. I would get teased. In gym class, I would always get dressed in the bathroom stall so nobody would see me. I hardly went swimming. The few times I did, I wore a shirt. I was always frustrated trying to find a bra that would fit right. I was scared about getting married and having a guy see me naked.

When I was 19, I was so upset one day, that I lifted up my shirt to show my mom and told her that my boobs weren't growing right. She told me that's how she looked at my age and that I was fine. Well, I didn't believe her so I went to see the OBGYN to find out what was wrong with me. The doctor told me that breasts come in all shapes and sizes. She had a book full of all varieties of breasts. She did say, however, that I was a little bit saggy. She asked me if I've had a lot of weight gain and loss during the past few years. I told her that I did have a yo-yo weight problem. She told me that would cause them to be saggy, but that I was normal and healthy. She reminded me that my breasts will take different shapes throughout the years. She told me a lot of times pregnancy causes the breasts to fill out more, but if it made me feel better about myself than to have the surgery now.

Well, fast forward a few years, I never had the surgery, but I do think about having it from time to time. I am married now, despite my worries about a guy seeing me naked. My husband loves me just the way I am. I still get a little insecure, but he reminds me of how perfect they are and that they are everything he's dreamed of.

I use to think that cosmetic surgery was wrong and only vain people had it done. I've always thought that you should be happy just the way God made you, but my views have changed over the years. If you aren't happy with your tuberous breast and you want the surgery, get it done and don't feel ashamed. If you are happy just the way you are, that's wonderful! More power to you, especially with society's pressures. I'm probably not ever going to have my breast "corrected," but I am going to finally love and accept what I have. The older I get, the less I do worry about whether my breasts should be be more round or remain as they are. I guess you start to worry about more important things in life. Whatever type of breasts you have or want, in the end, it's all about living a happy life. So do what makes you happy!:)

January 7, 2012 - 1:41am


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