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EmpowHER Guest

I am a 31-year old woman and I have never had kids. I decided to get the Mirena because pills give me an upset stomach and I have very heavy and long periods. I was always anemic. Prior to getting the Mirena I was asked to take some medication on top of 800mg ibproben too help easy the discomfort and cramping as it was inserted. It only took literally 15 secs to one minute. Cramping and bleeding is expected which happened on and off for so far a month. It has stopped as of today and the cramping is slim to gone. As far as my sex drive I am not experiencing what a low sex drive. Actually it has been more high than it ever has, even while I was bleeding. But unfortunately I had to wait. Good luck and I hope this helps.

June 9, 2014 - 4:51pm


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