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EmpowHER Guest

I'm 21 years old and my boyfriend and I just moved i together. We have an awesome relationship, but I've noticed my lack of sex drive the past couple months and is continuing to decrease. I have been reading about causes to this and have come up with numerous potential answers but more recently I've been thinking my IUD (mirena) is the culprit, and hoarding my sex drive in the t shape of doom. I've made an appointment to get it removed and I will keep you all updated. I've also noticed how easily I cry, and overall how temperamental I've become. I'm always tired and always hungry. I am so privileged to have a wonderful boyfriend to support me through this and be patient with myself not putting out to him. Low sex drive is a SERIOUS matter that can ruin relationships , self esteem, and eventually create a lonely life. I am determined to fix it NOW.

May 30, 2014 - 10:35am


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