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I can tell almost all the comments come from Anonimous users. I'am a guy, and I've been in troubles with my marriage for two years. The first pregnancy year was terrible because we faced some problems trying to fix the ovule, we pass through an intense progesterone treatment. During those 9 months we had sexual intercourse only a few times, may be 5 to 10 times.
After our daughter's birth our problem just became worst, because we are using Norplant as a parenthood planning method, and is just sucks. She has almost no sexual drive, we only don't make love anymore, and only after a strong discussion she accepts to be with me. Sometimes I thought that she feels repulsion to me, but I can't tell it for sure. In recent days I started investigating about this active ingredient on Norplant called Levonorgestrel, and guess what, almost all the people posting on internet was saying the same.

The symptoms: weight gain, depression, migraine, abdominal pain, continuous bleeding, I can't tell for sure, but I think she is developing some cyst, and of course no sexual drive at all.

This situation is driving our marriage to an end. Sometimes I think I can't take it anymore, and I told her that she doesn't love anymore, if you don't know this girls, guys understand about love through sex. I try to be supportive with her, but as you might know, it is kind of difficult for a guy.

Please somebody can give me any advice?


May 27, 2014 - 6:52am


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