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EmpowHER Guest

Any Help would be awesome. Im on my second month of ever using birth control. The first pack i remembered every day to take it. But this one, im into the third week. I've forgotten my pill up to two days 3 times this month, but have always taken it as soon as ive remembered. The first time didnt affect my period. The second time, I had a thick brown discharge which i had mistaken for a two week early period. same day catching up the pills thinking I was double protected, I was ejaculated into. one day that i was ejaculated into i did not use my birth control. (in this 4 day period, i forgot BC every other day. ) today i tried to make up for the lost birth control by taking two, I dropped one and could not find it. So I only took one. Sooo, maybe an explination of my risks, PLEASE!

June 30, 2011 - 4:10pm


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