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EmpowHER Guest

i have a situation. I had the IUD for 3 1/2 years. I took it out in August of this year. I have been having unprotected sex ever since August after I had it removed. I had a heavy period in September it lasted seven days. Then I had a period in October that was only five days but not heavy at all. Then this month November, I had it the first week of the month I had a period that last 4 days and It was not heavy at all. But the periods in October and November have not been at the same time of the month. Now here it is at the end of November and I am thinking I will start within the next week. My breast are starting to hurt. Tell me what I should do?? I dont matter if I get pregnant I'm keeping the baby...what should I do if I dont get my period for the month of December? Thanks.

November 28, 2011 - 6:16pm


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