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Hi, rsawaya:

So sorry you're feeling that pain and numbness. I also have a few questions:

Even though it sounds as though you're avoiding sleeping on that one side, had you been sleeping on your left side before?

Are you right handed or left handed?

Do you have any type of arthritis?

Do you spend much of your day sitting, and what is your sitting posture?

Besides using a topical analgesic, are you trying to stretch out your shoulder muscles at all?

What kind of exercise are you able to engage in on a daily basis?

Sometimes, reviewing what we do every day, consciously or not, may give us a clue as to what might be contributing to the annoying pain. For example, my right shoulder was nagging me for weeks. I finally figured out that it was because I was over-extending my reach across my desk when using my mouse, stressing my shoulder. My fingers were numbing and my wrist hurt terribly. Adjusting my posture and putting my mouse pad on top of a side drawer so that it would be closer to me made a difference.

Hope this helps and that you find the answer to your nagging pain.

April 20, 2009 - 6:31pm


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