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Ok I'm 29 years old, my menstrual is usually regular but this month is been unusual. Normally my menstrual comes every month like clockwork, I get my monthly stomach ache (cramps) a couple days before my period along with sore nipples followed by spotting for a couple of hours then 2 days of heavy flow with cramps then 3 days of normal flow with mild cramps then 2 days of spotting, yes I'm a 7 day girl. But this month I noticed a definite change I started spotting a whole week before my menstrual was due. I didn't have my normal signs like my monthly stomach ache ( cramps ) or my nipple being sore, nothing. Like I said this went on for a whole week then the day after my period was due, it was a crazy heavy flow but I didn't have my usual cramps and that is very unusual for me I always use to have severe cramps with heavy flow my first 2 days. But this time it was like I was fine as long as I was sitting but when I got up (sorry for the TMI ) gushing blood flow. I'm on day 3 of this I believe my flow has decreased somewhat but I had to get the super plus tampons along with the overnight pads to aid me in this situation. I just want to know what's going on, I've searched on the Web for answers but with no luck. If anyone can help me with this dilemma, that would be great.

December 9, 2013 - 11:23pm


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