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(reply to Alison Beaver)

Congrats on your pregnancy!! That's awesome!!!

I was pregnant with my fourth baby when I was 35, and I have to say that it was my best and easiest pregnancy. I felt really good throughout, my baby was a healthy eight and a half pounds, and I had a great postpartum. I have to admit it was a little disconcerting to have my OB tag my file as a "geriatric pregnancy," and to be told a slew of risks that could have been possible "due to my age."

Ironically, when I was 28 and pregnant for the first time, I ended up having an absolute horrific pregnancy that ended by emergency C-section at only 28 weeks. My twin boys suffered a very rare birth defect that wasn't genetic -- it was just a weird "fluke" and one of my sons died shortly after their birth.

I truly believe that with pregnancy, like just about everything else, your actual age is relative. I think the success of a pregnancy has more to do with your overall health, the quality of health care you're receiving, your frame of mind, the support network you have around you, and probably a little bit of luck. ;)

November 12, 2009 - 3:20pm


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