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EmpowHER Guest

I'm 45 yo and 23 weeks pregnant naturally. My husband is 13 years my junior, first marriage for both of us, no children. Believe it or not, the most stressful part of this pregnancy has been to find an OB/MW team that doesn't treat me like I have a disease because I'm pregnant after 40! Three practices later & I finally think we found a match. My pregnancy has been fairly symptom free...heartburn & fatigue being the prominent nuisances. A Materniti21 test reflected no chromosome abnormalities, no nuchal issues & 21 week US shows all normal growth %. This all while no drugs/scripts...just prenatals & good nutrition. It'll be a tough road ahead due to me not getting any younger but I'm so looking forward to having being blessed with this baby boy coming in October before it was to late.

Good luck to you!

June 11, 2015 - 2:45pm


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