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(reply to Anonymous)

To Anonymous: Yes, I did say I would be reading it. Believe it or not, due to complications from my mastectomy of a year ago, as well as a blood clot in my leg, I've had to put off the issue that prompted this whole topic (a hysterectomy to treat a large fibroid). I've tabled the issue for now, but it will surely come into play later this year and I'll be reading up on everything again. Two things I know for certain: 1) I'll be changing gynecologists, and 2) I don't want a hysterectomy if I find a suitable alternative.

I do have one comment to make regarding #2. I have yet to speak to anybody in person, not even one, who has had any of the horrific side effects I've read about and, believe me, I've polled everyone I can find who has had the operation. I don't disbelieve what I'm reading here; just wondering if it's the case for only a minority of women....

January 11, 2010 - 7:49pm


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