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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

What did you find out? Did u see a doctor yet? I hope the best for you. I am having a similar issue myself and yours sounds quite similar to mine. I'm 32, with two kids (12, and almost 11) I've been tied up for almost 11 years.... having a bunch of symptoms and I sound like a nut, but I just "feel pregnant" I've tried going back on the calendar but I have to be honest, I'm not sure how long my cycle is as AF comes when she wants...usually toward middle of month tho. I know December only because I bought some tampons and left them in my car - they were stolen! Anyway, I'm not sure if I'm a 28 32 or howevermany day cycle. My point, I just want to know what you found out. I've taken 4 teats and they were negative. Not sure if yours is wanted but I can tell you I got my tubes tied for a reason, but of course will welcome whatever happens.- any insight you can give would be helpful. I just really don't want to call my Dr and say I "feel pregnant" hahha...not me.

January 15, 2015 - 5:15am


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