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EmpowHER Guest

Hi there, great to find this site very reassuring and nice to see people so supportive.
Basically here's my story for you guys to battle on through.
I cannot remember the last time I had my period exactly date wise but I remember it always being at the very end of the month - so therefore meaning that my last one was probably around the 25th of April. Its now the 31st of May and I am thinking I am at least a week late.
I have been sexually active since around the end of April, but this was all foreplay - I am very concerned, although I do not remember it happening or coming into contact with lower regions, that my partner may have got some of his ejaculate on me, or on his hands when he proceeded to touch me - though after he'd masturbated we did wait at least 30 minutes sitting chatting until going again and wiped ourselves off using baby wipes and towels.
We started having sex on the 21st of May twice and a few days after that- a few days before I thought I was due on and it was all protected with condoms, and he pulled out to ensure he didn't come in me. We were very careful. He has however, come on me before and I am worried this may carry a risk of pregnancy although it was high up on my body. I am very careful now due to paranoia to make sure I wash my hands when able. I am BEYOND terrified about this, along with exams coming up for end of school I just feel like breaking down. I am insanely paranoid and can't take it off my mind. I am worried that i've got symptoms when it may all just be in my head. I have never wanted a period so badly in my life!!!
I took a Home pregnancy test this Saturday just gone, so that would have been the 29th of May and it came back negative, I intend to take one tomorrow to make sure... but i'm terrified due to all these 'false negative' claims - if I am at least a week late can I really trust the pregnancy test result? Was the one on May 29th too early to tell?
I apologise if my story seems confusing, anything you need explaining feel free to ask! I am just in a bit of a kerfuffle about this whole thing. Is it really feasable that stress because of this could have delayed my period? I'm normally so regular. I didn't feel particularly stressed until I started overthinking the chance of being pregnant, now I am horrified and very emotional about the concept. Typical the first time I become sexually active I would go and miss a period!
Thanks very much guys
Terrified, 18.

May 31, 2010 - 11:51am


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