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My boyfriend and I did not have penetrative sex. I was on the 4th day of my period (they usually last about 6 days) and he got semen mostly on my stomach but a little bit on my thigh next to my vagina. I am not sure if any of it brushed into it and I did change tampons after I wiped myself off. But I was on day 4 of my period. Last week, 9 days before now, I had SUPER heavy discharge, which it usually is heavier around the time of ovulation. I would not be concerned if it was not for that fact that I will be a whole week late tomorrow when I am fairly constant. The only time I was not was my last period which came on the 28th day instead of the 33rd. I feel like my stomach is bigger but that could very well just be my mind playing tricks on me. I am very stressed out over this right now because I have no idea how I could be pregnant given my circumstance but still I am just super stressed. Any advice would be lovely.

May 15, 2010 - 1:45pm


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