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EmpowHER Guest

My girlfriend has a historically irregular cycle, but i'm starting to worry some. We have protected intercourse roughly 2 times a week. After each act, i inspect the condom to make sure and have never found any rips/tears, etc. A few weeks ago we had an incident that the condom slipped off slightly and was left inside her. We immediately removed it and did not finish. She has been under alot of stress lately (trying to find a permanent job, fighting with a roomate, and now being somewhat late). Today she will be 8 days late. She has said that she has gotten her regular cramping and feels that things could begin at any moment, but this has been going on for 4-5 days. She is also currently on a vacation with her family (in a different time zone) and is making this that much harder that we are not near each other. Is this something that I should be concerned about or are our minds getting the best of us?

March 24, 2010 - 3:56pm


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