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It's not really abnormal. It would be impossible for us to say for sure what's going on, but what we can tell you is that women do sometimes go very late on their periods and they do sometimes even skip a period. So those things ARE possible.

It is also possible that somehow, someway, some sperm got into her vagina. I know you examined the condom and were very careful, so I wouldn't think that this would be the case, but if she is still worried about it, she can take another pregnancy test and she'll know for absolute certainty that that's not what is going on.

If she doesn't have a period in another week or so, she may want to make a doctor's appointment just to be certain that all is well. Is she having any symptoms? Pain or bloating, fatigue or tenderness around her breasts?

January 22, 2010 - 9:07am


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