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Hi, Lichadoll. Welcome to EmpowHer! Let's see if we can put your mind at ease a little bit.

If your last period was on November 3, and you are usually about every 28 days, that means you were most likely ovulating somewhere around Nov. 17-19. November 24th would be almost a week later. That, combined with the fact that your boyfriend wore a condom and that it worked correctly and did not break, tells me that you are 99.99% most likely fine.

Even if you HAD gotten pregnant that day, which I do not think was really possible, you would not have begun having symptoms just three days later. Usually the first symptoms do not start until about the time of a missed period, and even then they can be very very light.

On the other hand, look what's been going on:
1. Your guilt over having sex
2. A busy family holiday where you sit down with the very people you feel guilty around.
3. A very emotional breakup with your boyfriend.
4. An emotional, fast 15-pound weight loss. (This in itself is enough to make you late, even without the rest)
5. Changes in your sleep and eating patterns
6. Stress over school
7. Worry about pregnancy.

That IS a train wreck, doll. That is enough to stop your period for like three months. When we are this stressed, our body stops producing our regular hormones and starts producing more stress hormones like cortisol and adrenalin because it senses that we are in danger of some kind. (The body still reacts to our fear or panic as though a tiger was chasing us in the cave-man days. And when that tiger is chasing us, we don't need a pregnancy, we need to FIGHT or we need to RUN. So it gives us extra fighting and running strength and stops the reproduction hormones. This is called the fight-or-flight response.)

My personal thoughts are this: That there's only the tiniest, tiniest of chances you could be pregnant. Rather, I think you have been stressed beyond words this month and the stress has messed with your hormones. You certainly can take a home pregnancy test to help you be sure, but what I expect is that your period will start in the next week or so. In the meantime, it's very important that you relax some, that you breathe, and that you try to get your world a little more back to normal.

Can you do that? Will you try to breathe, and be a little calmer, and help your body get back to normal?

December 4, 2009 - 10:01am


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