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I am so thankful that I found this site! Everyone seems so kind and willing to help. Even if the questions tend to become a tad repetitive. You all have answered each one precisely, carefully, and with what seems like genuine concern. I really can't even express how happy I am right now! I'm only 18, and come from a family where discussing my sexual health is absolutely taboo, and would result in complete ostracization. Believe me. I once asked for them to sit down and discuss with me their views on me getting birth control. I told them that it was for just in case. And they basically told me I'd go to hell for even popping one pill. (I'm religious as well, but they are like the psycho couple from across the street, in the white house you see in movies.) Of course I love them, but I wish I had more understanding role models. But I'm past that stage. I've made my own decisions, and I'm so glad now that I finally have somewhere to go to for help. Thank you.

Alrighty! I'm just going to jump into it then. It may seem silly, but I've always been a very paranoid person, and I need to hear facts for relief. Please and thank you!

I've had regular periods since I was about 16, always around every 28 days. My last period was on November 3rd. Well I lost my virginity on the 24th of November, and I thought everything was alright, (we used a condom, and it didn't break. It didn't even hurt. I was really happy, and thankful I waited till I was ready.) But on Thanksgiving morning I started feeling really nauseous, and I had trouble finishing my food. This faded, but was still present the rest of the day. Since then it's been on and off. But I have a constant abdomen like pain across my whole tummy, not necessarily painful, but as if I'm recovering from doing 100 crunches. It concerns me, but it's not really a hindrance, I've just been living with it (I'm thinking it may have to something with losing my virginity, but it's been over a week.) Anyway, two days ago I missed my period. I called my boyfriend, and he said that he's 99.9% sure there's nothing to worry about. But my paranoid self keeps thinking that somehow, maybe some pre cum... I'm just so scared!

But! Of course there's more. I have also been under an INSANE amount of stress this month. First my boyfriend and I have been together for nearly nine months, and he broke up with me a couple of days before our anniversary. And yup, another girl was involved. I was a mess. I went from being 125 l.b.s, to 110 l.b.s in two weeks. Again I had no one to talk to, all my friends did was bad mouth him. And even though I know they had good intentions, it still made me mad. Then they expect me to fix their problems. I started having new struggles at work with the new supervisor. I caught the beginnings of my sisters cold (sore throat/ sniffly nose) Then my boyfriend and I worked things out, but I was still a little mad. We ended up sleeping together (which I was actually okay with) but every time I see my parents I get this twang of guilt. And even though I want to, I really feel like I shouldn't do it anymore. We got in a tiny fight the other night on the phone, and I nearly had a panic attack when we hung up, I just kept crying over the silliest thing. While last night I had to write an eight page paper on a huge novel I hadn't even read, I haven't had any sleep in over 48 hours. And to top it off I have even more finals next week!

I've had a few PMS symptoms since the 24th: sore breasts and thighs, crying spells, lower back ache, breaking out, mood swings.... BUT EARLY PREGNACY SYMPTOMS ARE PRETTY MUCH THE SAME THING!

They don't feel like they normally do. They're all so... mild. Like, practically nothing. I'm usually equivalent to a train wreck when I PMS. And strangely enough I have zero cramps. Usually they're so bad I can't go anywhere.

I'm so scared. I'm terrified. I'm going to buy a EPT tomorrow. But I always hear stories about how the test said one thing, then they never got their periods, then BAM! Prego. I can't have a baby. But I can't have an abortion either...

My sore tummy is starting to scare me, and the nausea especially.

Please help! What are your thoughts? Thank you, thank you!

December 3, 2009 - 9:49pm


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