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(reply to Anonymous)


I understand your nervousness, but I don't really think you have to worry. For you to have had a normal period in terms of PMS symptoms and heaviness means you're not pregnant. Those women who do have something like a period early in their pregnancies tend to have very very light bleeding -- even spotting -- around the time of implantation. And women whose home pregnancy tests don't detect enough hormones tend to be taking the test earlier than you -- more like 5 or 6 weeks.

Since you are normally irregular, and since you did recently have a long gap, I think this is another reason to not be as worried. If you had an every-28-days-no-matter-what cycle it would be more worrisome.

I would ask you a few different questions. Have you been under extra stress lately?

Have you been on any new medicines or nutritional supplements?

Have you changed anything about your diet or exercise?

Is there anything big that's new or different in your life during the last two months?

Our hormones are affected by so many outside influences. Instead of worrying about a possible pregnancy, ask yourself what else this could be. And if you are concerned, make a doctor's appointment to have this checked out. Not so much for a pregnancy test, as it really doesn't sound like that could be possible, but so they can check your regular hormone levels and see if perhaps you are low.

Does that help at all?

December 1, 2009 - 8:38am


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