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I am quite nervous and would greatly appreciate some advice. I fooled around with a guy on August 12th. There may have been slight genital contact but there was no full ejaculation. I did not feel any pre-ejaculation, but I cannot say for certain that it was not there. This was right at the beginning of my cycle, because my last period before that was on August 4-9 (approx). I was quite nervous about the possibility of pregnancy (I am a paranoid person), and even took a test (negative) right before September 20th, at which time my period came (or what I assumed to be my period). It was normal in terms of heaviness, but quite short (2.5-3 days), and was accompanied by usual PMS symptoms (cramps, painful breasts etc.) However, I have not had a period since then. I am getting quite worried because it has been more than two months. Although I have never been really regular (as seen from the Aug 4 - Sept 20 gap), I believe this is the longest I have ever gone with no sign of it. There has been no chance of anything since then, so I am assuming if I am pregnant it would have happened on Aug 12th. I took a pregnancy test about 3 weeks ago and it was negative. But my period still has not come. I have heard stories about many women who experienced period-like bleeding during the early months, and who do not produce enough hormones to render a positive test. I am now very worried about the possibility of being pregnant, especially since it has been so long, and I can't really do anything to find out until it will be too late for me to have any real options regarding the matter. Any advice would be appreciated
Thanks in advance!

November 30, 2009 - 5:28pm


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