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Anonymous (reply to Diane Porter)

hmm hi i guess, ha i really like this hole thing by the way its somewhat made me feel better. um well my girlfriend and i have been having sexual activity's for about the last month and a half now, and about 2 weeks ago we actully had very light unprotected sex. witch was not smart i know now..we did for about 10-15 min then stoped..and i know i never got close to climaxing. so we were not worried at the time. but now shes about 5 days late with her period and very worried. i read about per ejaculation witch i didn't know about before. and it has me very troubled. we are very close and talk about everything so shes going to get a test and find out right away.
she had told me that she is never irregular or late, and now she is and shes really starting to freak out and so am i because in our life's at this moment theres no way we could have a child. im wondering if we should be very worryed about this or not.....ill give you some background about this and maybe you could give me some words of advice, or confort
My girlfriend has a very stressful life, but this month has been much worse then normal as far as her personal month. at the beginning of it there was so much that she couldn't eat as much as she normally did. And about the same time she came to me and had been saying she thought her breasts were getting smaller as well. witch sounds like a hormone thing im guessing, and she always had a perfect face no acne an now shes been getting a little since we started doing stuff i think. About 5 months ago she stopped talking the pill because it made her gain weight, and shes going to go back on it now that me and her are sexully active so that theres not any chances. but were afraid it might be to late. one last thing i noticed in reading these messages and they left me with a question. can sexual excitement or sex for the first time in a very long time change your hormones and cause you to be later then normal. because im hoping that and all the stress is why shes late. i would really appreciative a message back. im somewhat smart and been doing alot of reading about this but the more i do the more i get scard.. my girlfriend hasnt said she had any wierd sighs or anything, well she said she had finally been eating right again. and a tiny tired witch worrys me because i guess tiredness is a sigh of early pregnancy. thank you in advace

November 22, 2009 - 10:34pm


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