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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi, Anon,

While it's technically possible that you could get pregnant in the way you describe, it would be very, very rare. And acne is not an early sign of pregnancy. It can, however, be a sign that your hormones are a little out of balance this month -- which wouldn't be odd since you've had a couple of irregular periods in the last months.

It is not unusual for us to have a few irregular periods -- or one that is even a week or 10 days late -- for no reason that we can see. We might have changes in diet or medication, we might be under more stress than usual; our cycle may just be adjusting itself.

Try not to worry so much, since the chances are very slim and since you had a negative pregnancy test. I wouldn't worry until you were at least a week to 10 days late; and I'm betting you get your period before than. Please keep us posted, OK?

November 18, 2009 - 9:12am


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