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I'm getting pretty stressed, worrying that I might be pregnant, and after seeing other people's comments on here, was wondering if somebody could help me put my mind at ease. My last period was 13th-17th October, and based on my usual cycle (though I've been a bit irregular the past couple of months, by a few days here and there) I was expected my next period to be on 10th Nov, so I'm now over a week late. My boyfriend and I haven't had actual intercourse, but on 28th October we did touch each other - I'm really worried that he may have got some pre-ejaculation on his fingers before they penetrated me, and so that I might be pregnant. I took a cheap HPT when I was two days late, and the result was negative, but now that I still haven't had my period I'm getting really stressed that I might still be pregnant. The only other thing that's changed is that my skin has been really bad this past week, breaking out into worse acne than I've had for a number of years.
Any advice? Thanks :)

November 17, 2009 - 5:24pm


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