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EmpowHER Guest

I have Bipolar 2 and OCD. I have a doctoral degree and am very successful in my job. I know there are others out there like me. All I ever hear about is the limitations of this disorder. There are many people who are successfully treated and stable. There needs to be more research on differences in how people cope with this disorder. It really is a spectrum disorder with some individuals being very mildly impacted and others more severely impacted. I think part of the stigma comes from an emphasis on those that are more severely impacted. We are not all as fragile as what you read. I've even read articles saying people with Bipolar can't work and that they should be forced to take medication. It's really very condescending. Some people would have us steriled!! Come on we are thinking, intellegent people with the same rights as others. Don't lump us all into the worse case scenario. No wonder so many of us stay in the closet about our bipolar.

April 11, 2009 - 7:08pm


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