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Expert HERWriter

Dear silver_girl,

I am so glad you found this website and thank you so much for posting your original question and the follow-up post with more information for us. I am so proud of you for coming here and posting what's going on in your very personal and private life.

I admire you for bringing up your husband's fascination with porn with your counselor. I hope the counselor will be able to help him look at the situation in a more objective way.

I think that whatever we decide to do or not do in our bedrooms, it all boils down to if we are comfortable. I sense from both of your posts that you are not comfortable with the photos being taken of you, so I wouldn't do it. Even though you don't have a problem with him having any nude and/or provocative photos of you, I can hear what you are saying about helping to feed his problem, so to speak, and how that concerns you. That is enough, in my book, for you to say "I'm sorry honey, but I don't feel right doing this." And perhaps not having the photos of you as a substitute would inspire him to work through his issues sooner and be able to move back in with you.

I really wish you all the best with this, and I welcome you to post again and please let us know how things are going. You have a lot of support on this board and we're here to help. Big hugs to you, M

March 16, 2009 - 10:03pm


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