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Anonymous (reply to alysiak)

Hello again,

I agree - physical activity does make one feel better. I enjoy walking and when I start my day off with a nice long one, it sets the tone for the entire day.

I don't keep a journal, but plan to start. I really need to get a handle on what foods trigger me feeling sluggish vs. more energetic.

The books I ordered are Adrenal Fatigue ... the 21st Century Sndrome and the Cortisol Connection. I think they'll both provide me some more information on how cortisol impacts overall health, and I hope they give some insight into what foods to avoid, how to heal adrenals, etc.

My goal is to feel rested, look rested, and to take off this stubborn 20 lbs!

March 8, 2009 - 8:12pm


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