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Expert HERWriter

I think you all bring up excellent points. Overall, I agree that it's not even so much the eating less and exercising more combination that is key to weight loss, but like the anonymous poster wrote above, just finding something that you will stick to. How many of us have started out all excited and gung ho to lose weight, saying things like "no more Oreos! No more pizza!", only to start eating both again in like 2 days? Been there, done that, that's for sure. I also really like the point that you didn't gain the weight overnight, so it's not going to come off overnight either.

Overall, I really like the way diet recommendations finally seem to be more common sense. I was tired of reading about the plans that seemed so extreme and hard to stick with in the real world. I'm also not crazy about the idea of giving up an entire food group.

I'd love to hear from people on what did work for them, and also, why they think it did.

February 26, 2009 - 11:00pm


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