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EmpowHER Guest

I just found this site as I was looking for help in regard to this very same issue! I see the comments are from '09, wish I would have found you sooner. I have read through quite a few of the posts and am amazed to find there are people living in the same situation as I. Most days I feel so alone and isolated and I never imagined there were others living (surviving) daily as I do. I felt like I was reading something that I wrote myself...How could I possibly leave him? What would everyone think? Would that make me a horrible person? How will he survive without my help? What if he dies shortly after I leave, how guilty would I feel then? And of course there is the...we can't afford a divorce! So here I stay. I work a full-time and a part-time job while we have two teenagers at home. I am responsible for everything but taking care of the checkbook. He can't work and doesn't help. I clean, cook, do laundry, run errands, take care of birthdays/holidays, doctor/dentist appts, school activities, it's all on me. On top of this I am now trying to help my elderly parents. I am physically, mentally and emotionally depleted. There is no fun, there is no joy. I'm short on rest, high on stress and very depressed with nothing to look forward to but more of the same, day after day after day. I'm so sorry there are others in the same situation, but thank you for writing about it. Just knowing there are others pulling the same load somehow helps. If they can endure, then I guess I can too.

March 14, 2011 - 12:19am


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