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EmpowHER Guest

I totally understand how you feel! My boyfriend (basically husband) and I both retired and moved in together five years ago when he was newly diagnosed with ms. He has gone from the man I knew for 30 yeas to a complete stranger. He is mean and a smart ass. He has ice water in his veins towards me and very frankly my children. And he NEVER apologizes. He does not believe in apologies. I want to leave him. I will always love him but I can't stand the person he is now. He absolutely refuses to come to any kind of acceptance of his disease. His first sign was 10 years ago and affected his eye. He fully recovered. Five years after that his next attack affected his leg. He did not get that back. He uses a cane. Refuses to use a walker or a scooter or a wheelchair therefore we can't go anywhere really. He refuses to stretch he refuses to walk he refuses to do anything and blames that on me! It's my fault that he can't do those things because I don't do them with him! I am an 8 year breast cancer survivor who had a spinal fusion two years ago. I walk 5 miles a day at my job so no I don't feel like walking after work! We have a beautiful bike path and walking path right next door to our hous but it's my fault. Everything is my fault. He hates my kids and grandkids. Can't stand being around them and I can't stand him because of that. But I am stuck! How do you leave a man with ms without being the worst person?! He has PPMS when diagnosed but at last doc appt was told it is a more progressive ms now. He calls himself a cripple. He refuses to go to a support group and sit around with a bunch of cripples. He refuses to talk to or with anyone about his ms. He has no family or at least no family he wants anthing to do with. He sits around the house about 90% of time moaning sighing and bitching. I'm just at my wits end. I give up. After this past week and his 3 day attack on me which caused me to break out in shingles....I'm just heartbroken and totally had it. I have no good advice.

October 16, 2015 - 6:34am


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