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My husband and I have been married for 20 years. He has been diagnosed with ALS since Dec 2009. Here is a blog http://garysals.blogspot.com/ Of course we have not blogged about everything. I have worked harder since his diagnosis even 14 months of 72 hour weeks. Trying to get debt free so I can be home more. My work requires me to travel and the last year 1/2 I take my family with me. Our daughter is special needs and our typical son. I believe that men leave in some cases cause others come into the house and help there ill wife. As a wife it seems I am left to do most on my own. Men do not come to see my husband and my friends and family do not come to see me. I do not have a lot to offer anyone. My husband and daughter and work take all I have to offer. I am so tired but have to keep a strong presence for my family and to keep my job. Where is the help I have been posting on facebook and calling agencies and it seems some how we keep falling through that crack. I do not want to leave my husband I would just like to have some help. I also could see if it were not all up to me. If all the areas were covered and all I needed to do was work that there would end up with a emotional distance because I was not there as the need transitioned and would feel out of place not knowing how to help or connect and not needed. Maybe the men might experience this as the too would be away working.

November 9, 2013 - 4:29pm


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