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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I am Holly the 57 year old who has posted here several times with my experiences. For me, the laser treatment scabbing was minimal, less than with a cold sore. As you know being in the health field we all heal differently so your heal time may be more or less than mine. For me the bruising was maybe a little over a week. I was told up to 3 weeks. Since I have had 4 procedures, the last two at different wave lengths, those procedures caused more bruising but not so much that it was unsightly. It is very important to wear a sunscreen after this and forever as they sun is your enemy for your lips. Many cold sores are caused by the sun. So that's very important. It is also important to keep a cream on it that they should give you at your visit. This helps it to heal faster in my opinion as it doesn't form a hard scab which can tear off and bleed plus, you are able to use a lipstick (over your sunscreen!) to help cover the short time you have a bruise.
So in short, keep it creamed, sunscreened and healing should be a breeze! This post is getting long but be sure to read about other people's procedures as there are several different types. Mine was the V-Beam but one of the other posters has the Cutera Laser and she had a great result but again, we are all different and what works for one may not work for another. I wish you the best of luck. Please be sure to keep us posted on your experience!

July 26, 2010 - 10:33am


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