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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

How bad does your big toe look? I mean, up until the time the toenail decides to separate from the one underneath and I pull or cut or otherwise get them apart (because they're already splitting) you totally can't tell there's two there.
Of course, once it's off then for about a month it's clear there's something going on with them.
Can you tell that there's two toenails there on a regular basis just by looking?
If not, then I'd refrain from taking anything. An antifungal doesn't seem like it would do anything to relieve my problem double toenails. I think I was just born this way.
This is gonna sound nutty but you know those nail file things they have for dogs? The one that spins? The last time my nails came apart, I let them grow back, but as they were, I gently filed the top layer so it couldn't get really thick like they do. So far it seems to be working. I just do it REALLY GENTLY when ever I notice it's thickening.
I'm not saying it'll work, just that it seems to help my situation.

Sorry you're going through this in your teens...just know you're not alone. Does keeping colored polish on them help to hide it?

July 29, 2011 - 12:20am


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