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EmpowHER Guest

To encourage everybody, I had a similar problem with a flu shot. Within 1/2 hour of the shot I was in extreme pain, didn't go to the Dr. because I don't have insurance. Over the next month the pain was pretty bad and my shoulder began to freeze up (called frozen shoulder). The BEST thing you can do for frozen shoulder it USE IT!! Even if it hurts even if you have to have somebody move it for you to get into places you can't. It's now been 2 years since that shot and I have finally regained full use of my arm. I will NEVER get another shot in my arm. There is no reason they can't use some other muscle mass such as the hip or thigh. It was difficult, and a long road but there was a happy ending. Just remember MOVE THE ARM!! It's the only thing that got me back to where I am.

October 29, 2011 - 12:34pm


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