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(reply to Anonymous)

Hello, like you I had lingering pain after my flu shot because it was given in the wrong spot. My was given very high and most likely got into the joint. I got my shot at the end of August and had extreme pain and weakness until laterly. I had an MRI and it showed "moderate tendonosis with fluid collection in the acromioclavicular joint.

I am a board certified internist and pediatrician, and I had my doctor prescribe decadron, which is a potent steroid, obviously discuss this with your doctor. I was prescribed decadron 8mg x 2 days and 4 mg x 5 days. I wil say that after the first day of taking the decadron i had my first painfree night and woke to know pain.

by about day 4 I could feel the pain returning but the magnitude was not anywhere near what it was. and as of last week, my pain is very minimal and I do not require anymore pain medication for relief. at this point naproxen 550mg works fine .

I opted to use Decadron because I had read someone else's response and her physicain Rx'd a medrol dose pak. Those are much less potent then decadron and she and indicated while she was taking the steroids, her arm felt great but as soon as she finished the prednisone, the pain came right back with the same intensity.

again if there are no contraindications to you trying the Decadron as I was dosed, it can't hurt and it may help. Good luck

October 23, 2011 - 11:07pm


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