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Hello fellow sufferers! It has been a little over a year since my fateful flu stick and I can say that my arm is prob 90% well. If I overdo it I can still tell there is something different from the "pre-stick" arm (a little more pain and stiffness, etc.) but that is entirely manageable.

Interesting note, I was responding to a poster on another site having the problem this year. In working up my response, I again went out on the internet. Voila! It seems the issue about possible shoulder injury from bad injection which was discussed at the VICP Medical Analysis Update last summer has now been followed up with a recently published summary and transcript on the VICP site. It is a 48 page PDF publication and at least 20 pages discuss the shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) that most of us seem to be suffering from. The "good stuff" starts around page 16. I was actually reading it with my mouth open so relieved to finally have what we had already pretty much figured out validated by the medical community. Unfortunately there is still no clear pathway to recovery ONCE YOU HAVE BEEN INJURED, however, I am relieved that they are now taking the injuries more seriously.

Here is the link:


Happy reading.....

October 13, 2011 - 3:52pm


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