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(reply to Anonymous)

Thanks, I have been actually, again, thanks to this board. I am on ibuprofen and paracetamol until I can see my friend who is an amazing osteopath and luckily he has dealt with this before so knows how to fix it. Can't get over how common this is! I have had 5 tetanus shots and never pain like this. The combination of the ibuprofen and paracetamol is working well, this morning was first morning that I could move my arm without too much pain, so it was obviously swollen before even though I could not feel it, I do need to keep taking tabs though, i was late taking them yesterday and pain came back quick enough! Two years, you poor thing, I am hoping my osteo friends usually magic hands will work. I really don't want to have to get used to this. I started to get sharp pin like pains (very short) in arm yesterday as well, went quickly enough but was something new, hopefully just a side affect of not using my arm as much. thanks

June 21, 2011 - 1:50am


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