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Anonymous (reply to LaurenSinnott)

Lauren, your situation sounds very similar to mine, except it was a flu shot. I got my shot in October of 2009 and was in agony within three or four hours. For months my arm hurt and because it hurt I didn't use it hardly at all so eventually my shoulder froze and my movement became very limited. Once I figured out what was happening (thanks to the help of this board) I started forcing my arm. I would stretch and hold as often as I could stand it. The goal... was to be able to reach behind my back and undo my bra (which I could do before the shot). When I started, I could not even take a blouse off with my left arm. Believe it or not, I was finally able to undo my bra (with a little difficulty) last week. Yes that is June 2011. Almost 2 years (shot was October 14, 2009). Just do what ever you can to keep your arm from freezing up.

June 20, 2011 - 10:32am


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