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Same issues as everyone except mine stems from a tetanus shot. I got it last Wednesday, given by a doctor who in my view was being careful, it was quite high though, I recall thinking that at the time but since he seemed to be taking care I never thought twice of it. Then about 3 hours later, pain started, it began as stiffness then when I went to bed, lying down was agony, the next morning i was actually in tears it was so sore. I could not even tie up my hair. It got looser during the day but every night and morning since it has been same. I really hope this isn't going to last. I see different things seem to work for everyone and everyone seems to have been diagnosed with a variety of things, all damage from the needle though so at least I have that to go on. has anyone any more news on this since March? So far it seems Steroids and ART are the favourites along with pain meds. Also just to ask, my flat mate has also been experience bad back pains and her pain sounds similar to mine (like nerve/muscle pain) and it got into my head that a muscle infection could be the cause and could be something we picked up in the flat? Would that be a possibility? I do think it is just a coincidence to be fair but no harm in checking if anyone else had something like that. My flat mate has not had any injections or the like but the pain she describes sounds like mine. On reading all the posts though i know that is def the injection now but still felt like asking. So basically, horrible pain for the next while then unless I can get some good pain meds! How is everyone now, still sore?

June 20, 2011 - 2:23am


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