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My "too high flu shot" was way back on 10/8/09. It was very painful for 7 months. I did PT and finally got the nerve up to get a cortisone shot from my Orthopedist. It relieved the pain within 2 or 3 days. It does still linger and seems will NEVER be the same. It had seemed to get way better until I irritated it by vacuuming in too much of a hurry. I jerked my shoulder and it's been hurting since. It is just a tolerable pain now. I don't like to take the NSAIDS so I just tolerate it. It is worst when I try to pull my top off over my head (you know with the arms criscrossing)... that is just too painful, but it's such a normal way to do it that you forget and then,...ouch. Sleeping on that side is still hard. I have not bothered to go back to the ortho with the pain as it is, like I said, tolerable. I am afraid that the damage has been done to us all and we will NEVER be the same as we were. I have grandkids and it's really frustrating that I have to be so careful to pick them up. I still do it and then pay for it later. No Doctor that I have dealt with seems to believe that it is due to the shot. I tried a grievance for my copays to be paid for since it was their fault and I was denied. So, Good luck to you all.. Oh, since it is so spread out....all of us are all over the place with shots at clinics, stores and HMO's and PPO's.... no attorney will take this. Don't believe the FDA cares either. What are they going to do? Send a letter to all the "caregivers" reminding them to give the shot correctly? There will always be some duffas doing it wrong. The majority of the damage has been from incorrect placement of the needle. With the occasional reaction to the actual flu medicine in the needle. Again, good luck to you all.

March 22, 2011 - 10:36am


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