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Hi folks,
Well, finished the abx and there is no improvement whatsoever. Doc wants to now order an MRI, having no health insurance I am hesitant on the cost of this and doubtful that it will even do any good. Anyone have an MRI and or CT scan relating to this, and if so, did it show anything at all? I am so frustrated with this, can't seem to get any help from the clinic or hospital the clinic represents..I think if the shot was given too high, they should be responsible for any treatments needed to help patients. Summer is coming and this year will be different. Most summers Ive spent at the pool with my granddaughter, swimming ... or at the park playing frisbee, whiffle ball, kite flying...I fear I will not be able to do any of this with her. I did something as simple as lifting a couple of photo albums from a shelf just the other day and the pain in my arm was immediate and intense. Somebody somewhere needs to LISTEN and BELIEVE all of us when we say this WAS from the flu shot...and be held accountable to help us. As always, I look forward to any and all input on this. Thanks in advance.

March 22, 2011 - 7:03am


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