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I am a man but I too had a too high flu shot 7 months ago - it is now march of 2011. It hurt when she gave it to me and I told my wife when I got home that it was administered too high on my shoulder and felt like it went into the bone or a nerve. I was unable to sleep on my left side, very painfull to pull my socks off or put on a shirt over my head, etc. Went back to the doctor and was sent to pt and I did that on my own after the sessions ran out for about 4 months - I was getting to the point where I could sleep on my left side and do things without too much pain - it was still there but it seemed to be getting better slowly. Then, 3 nights ago, I woke up in terrible pain again - I don't know if it was because I slept on it or what but it was back with a vengence!! Now I'm back to ice packs, heating pads, neck brace and pills. I'm going back to my doctor tomorrow with a bunch of stuff I've printed off the internet about people like me that are suffering. We'll see what she says, but I may have to go to another doctor that specializes in this kind of thing -?

March 6, 2011 - 3:08pm


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