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(reply to SweetpeasNan)

Hi SweetpeasNan,
Given that it is affecting your daily life and ability to sleep, you may want to get it checked out at a walk-in clinic; you can locate resources to fit your budget here, just enter your state, and find insurance plan, community services and public programs available to you: www.healthcare.gov

You also may want to read through more of these entries. You may find that it's not necessarily the shot that's causing the problems (unless you are allergic to latex--the needle may have caused problems), it could be the administration of the shot that's contributing cause for problems you are having. Some have reported the shot being "too high" on their arm, and similar recounts. It's important to make sure you receive shots from trusted resources, and the person giving shots is educated well in how to administer them.
Good luck, and let us know what you find out.

January 24, 2011 - 8:00am


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