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Am so relieved to find this thread as I too am experiencing all these same symptoms since getting the flu shot a few months back. Constant dull ache when not using the arm and a marked increase of pain when using the arm at all! Also am having trouble raising my arm past shoulder height without pain...along with weakness in arm and hand. Pain also generates into the shoulder and neck on the left side(where shot was given) I know this is much more than just a normal reaction from the flu shot, it is going on three months and shows NO signs of improvement. Having no medical insurance at this time, I am torn between making an appt. to have this checked out or just wait it out and see what those who are suffering the same pain find out. This is effecting not only my sleep but my daily day to day life as well. Someone needs to LISTEN to us and accept that this is something directly related to the flu vaccine and step up to the plate to help us!!

January 24, 2011 - 7:45am


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