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I also had a flu shot too high in my left arm in October 2010. As my doctor was injecting the liquid it hurt like crazy. She said "everyone is telling me that this year."

I have had horrible pain in my left shoulder, elbow and forearm since October and getting worse each day. I was to the point where I couldn't make a fist or even pick up a piece of paper with my left hand.

After reading the comments here I decided to avoid a doctor for now and try some home remedies.

For the past week I have been soaking my arm and shoulder in warm water and Epsom salts for 5 minutes after my morning shower. I made a concoction of Jojoba oil, lavender essential oil and chamomile essential oil and rub that into my arm after soaking it. During the day or evening I try to put a moist warm heating pad (the kind you heat in the microwave) on my arm for about 15 minutes.

This is the 5th day of treatment and there is a huge difference. I can now sleep on my left side without pain. I can use my hand and arm more. I will keep doing this until it is completely better.

Hope this can help someone else who doesn't want to go the doctor/pill route.

January 22, 2011 - 8:20am


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