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(reply to Bultar)

I do hope that you are able to find an answer, but I am not so sure that there is one. I have spent thousands of dollars to recover and like yourself, I am improved, but I am not over this. The MRI was inconclusive and only showed a tiny tear (age-appropriate the orthopedic said) and the CT scan showed soft tissue inflammation, again..inconclusive. I have taken anti-inflammatories like Mobic, Naproxen, Celebrex and Lodine and they do help, but they aren't good for long term use, so I go off the drugs too and the pain comes back. Physical therapy has helped, but the limitations are still there. At my last orthopedic visit, my doctor said that there is no doubt that the pain is caused by nerve damage and nerves can take a long time to heal. I can't say that the shot was ill placed because one of our pharmacists gave it to me and he gave it properly and centered Deltoid IM. I am not the only one in my workplace who suffered damage..there are 2 co-workers, but mine has been much more pronounced than theirs it has been agreed. And like myself, they seem to improve..but they still have problems and pain. I wish you well and hope that you can find an answer..please remember us and let us know how you have progressed. As you said yourself...time helps. ;-)

September 5, 2010 - 6:33am


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