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I have posted numerous times. I am still here, still have pain..still in PT every week and still seeing the Orthopedic doctor. NO more tests. It has been a huge waste of money, except for maybe the MRI. They have not shed any light on the answer to this problem..which seems to be universal. We all have the same symptoms. Common sense says it was the flu vaccine. My doctor has finally agreed that he thinks I have had "a violent reaction" to the flu shot that I got September 23, 2009. I have not heard the term "chemical bursitis"..I will look into that. I finally gave in 3 weeks ago and took a Depo injection from the Ortho doc. I am only just now seeing that maybe it is helping. I have been in PT for 22 weeks now and credit it for saving me from "Frozen Shoulder"..I still say that PT has been the greatest help for me. I am using a compounded topical anti-inflammatory cream, Diclofenac. It helps me get through the day. With the help of PT, I have regained most of my range of motion, (still with some discomfort, but workable) but there is a certain way that I move that will feel like I have impinged a nerve and I am back to square one..so I avoid sudden movements. I honestly do not know if I will ever get my "life" back..but I am a long way from where I was 8 months ago. It has cost me thousands, all for one flu shot. Never, ever again. Wish I had an answer for everyone..I really can say that I truly understand your pain.

Victoria Loveday

May 18, 2010 - 7:35pm


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