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I too have the arm pain after the H1N1 shot. I got mine in Nov of 09. I have had physical therapy, gone to the chiropractor, and taken Tylenol by the truckload and nothing helped. So, I went to a neurologist and had an EMG done. He said I have irritation of the superficial nerves in my arm. He has put me on Neurontin, and it seems to be helping. There HAD to be something wrong with the vaccine, because the shot was done and placed properly. I have had flu shots for 20 years with no problems till this one. It makes me angry that I am going on the 6th month of pain and inability to move my arm without pain. I would like to kick the drug manufactures in the rear for doing this to all of us.....

April 17, 2010 - 7:29pm


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