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EmpowHER Guest

Hello Everyone: I recieved the flu shot in October of 2009 I have posted several times on here under the intials ML after many months of agony and pain I am happy to report my days are pretty much pain free now. There are still times my arm will give me a fit if I have over exerted it but I have slowly been able to use it more and more with no pain. I still continue to take a vitamin B complex and an extra B-6 daily. I read that it helps heal nerve damage which I feel is what was wrong with my arm after receieving the shot. Time seems to be the only thing that really makes a difference with this. Of course I took pain medication ect..while waiting it out. I did see my Dr. a couple of times with no real answers and I did not have an MRI done. I will never have another flu shot but that is an individual choice everyone has to make. I doubt it would happen again its just not a risk I am willing to take not after all this. My best wishes to all of you. ML

April 16, 2010 - 7:45am


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