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EmpowHER Guest

I have posted here many times. I do have a good report this time. I am doing much better. I still have pain in my arm but very little now in comparison to what I did have. I never did opt for an MRI . I just kept waiting it out. One thing I would like to share with all of you though is a couple of weeks ago I started taking B-Vitamin Complex and along with that an extra Vitamin B-6. I did this because I was told it would help with nerve damage. I guess several people with Carpal Tunnel have had successful pain relief taking it. So, I tried it and I really feel it is what is helping and each day gets better. I have no other explanation for it. I got my shot on 10-2-09 and nothing else has worked except this. I would encourage all of you to try it. I still stand behind my choice to never get another flu shot again but that is an individual choice each one of us have to make. I just know for myself I can never got through this again. Best Wishes to all of you out there. ML

February 10, 2010 - 11:01am


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